Monday, June 25, 2007


'K, I was thinking of just writing Kevin a thank-you note for how he took care of my car for me this week, but thought--no, I'll write him a li'l testimonial instead.
I took a trip this week. Every time I get ready to go on a trip, my car starts acting funny. This time, I think it's because it knew I was renting a car for the trip and it was jealous. Whatever the reason, it was making an obnoxious squealing noise. No problem, though, right? For a week I was going to be a two-car household of one person. What better time to take a car in to get checked out? Except of course that I was going to be, yes, away on a trip. So I asked Our Glorious Leader (remember? He knows about cars) to help me. He works on cars, but his specialty is the outside, not the inside. So get this: he took it for me to a place--Auto Foreign--that does work on car innards, and then when the work was done, he picked it up and brought it home for me too. Isn't that so cool?
A guy like that deserves to have a plug for his business on this blog, so:

Visit Center City Collision!

The car's fine, by the way. Apparently the car has an early-warning system to let you know when the brakes are going out--they start squealing. "If you hadn't taken it in," the guy at Auto Foreign told me, "it would have started grinding."

1 comment:

Beth said...

Grinding is bad.