Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maundy Thursday

Tonight, the Part I of the Jesus Christ Superstar awards. I think I can speak with some authority now on whose interpretation of various characters was the best. So let's get to it, shall we?
Best Herod--Oh, let's give this one to Alice Cooper from the '96 London "cast recording" (in quotes since Alice Cooper wasn't actually in the cast of the show--he was just recruited for the recording). He plays it more circus sideshow than campy lounge lizard and so stands out from the crowd.
Best Simon Zealotes--Kelly Hogan, from Jesus Christ Superstar: A Resurrection. Again, part of the appeal is the casting against expectation--hey, look, a chick is singing this song!--but you can't win a prestigious award like this on shock value alone. Her take on an often over-the-top number is restrained, soulful, bombast-free.
Best Caiaphas--I don't remember a particular Caiaphas sticking out, so let's just give this one to a representative from the former Communist bloc on general principle.
Part II coming soon...

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