Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Language of Stamps

I love commemorative stamps.
I've set up a whole system for the letters I send out.
"Love" stamps go to foundations and other people we ask for money.
Superhero stamps go on thank you letters. For instance, I went to a class on using a grant resource library yesterday and I sent the teacher a thank you with a Superman stamp on it. Cookie had a li'l writeup in the paper; I sent a thank you to the columnist responsible, gave him a Flash stamp.
I've got the motorcycle commemoratives set aside for telling people about the motorcycle ride we're planning for September or October.
For bills, there's always the fruits and vegetables stamps--preferably squash.


Anonymous said...

that's funny

Anonymous said...

I have never quite heard stamps explained in this way before....

I get it squash stamps on bills.... because Lord only knows most people are not a fan of squash.
I love your creative little mind, Ange. : -)

Tassoula said...

I thought I was the only person who was weird about stamps (Birthday stamps on Birthday cards, actors/actresses to fellow movie snobs, music folks to fellow music freaks, etc.)! Good to know I have a 'postage sista' in this country.

And for my bills, I usually use those boring old flags...