Wednesday, March 28, 2007


One day a couple of my J.F.C.C.C. housemates and I started discussing (I no longer remember why) group dynamics in terms of the personalities of the members of U2. This led to a search online for a "Which member of U2 are you?" quiz. One of the questions on the quiz we found was "Do people refer to you by your nickname more often than by your real name?" I ended up being a Larry, but we decided what tipped me over the edge (so to speak) was that I answered the nickname question in the negative.
In the days after we took that quiz I noticed M. wasn't calling me Angela anymore. I finally asked her, "Are you trying to tip the nickname scale for me?" Yes, she admitted; that was exactly what she was doing.
All this to explain how I've acquired the name "Angie-Pants," or "Pants" for short.
She, in turn--and because she is moving to Japan soon to teach--has acquired a new nickname of her own. You can find it in my blogroll.


Anonymous said...

I still thing that "The Ange" is a good nickname for ya. ; -)

Love ya,
The BoNo FReaK ; -P...

Tassoula said...

I love that you're a "Larry" too. That's what my test came out as (and I was proud to be).

Anonymous said...

So, you really are a writer, eh?

Angela said...

Why do you ask, Liz?