Monday, February 22, 2010

On The Fifth Day of Lent: JCS 1975, Mexican Cast

This version of Jesus Christ Superstar has a bit of a lo-fi feel. The orchestration seems to be missing an instrument or two; the singers don't necessarily hit all the notes. What they miss in accuracy, though, they more than make up for in heart. In fact this may well be the most sincere of the versions of JCS I've heard so far--or at least, I'm hearing it this way. The fact that I don't think any of these songs are being performed with a wink (with the exception of "King Herod's Song," er, "La cancion del Rey Herodes," which would be hard to perform any other way) is perhaps just a product of my preconceived notions of Mexican culture. I have this sense that this is 10% rock opera, 90% passion play.
If it's a passion play, then what comes to mind are the barebones dramas of Palm Sunday and Good Friday in the liturgy. Every year the congregation at the Palm Sunday Mass and the Good Friday service (there's no Mass on Good Friday) gets to play roles when the Gospel is read. Mostly they play the crowds, and if you're playing the crowd when the Passion is proclaimed, you're shouting "Crucify him!" a lot. Elsewhere I've written about the horror of listening to a three-year-old yelling these words along with the rest of us. There's something of that mad enthusiasm in the off-key singing here.
Unfortunately my Spanish isn't so great, but I have this weird feeling this production added the "Woman, behold your son/Behold your mother" bit to "La Crucifixion." (Other productions have "Who is my mother? Where is my mother?" instead. Would this have really gone over in the home of La Virgen de Guadelupe?)

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