Friday, February 2, 2007

Imtau the Centaur

Normally I'm against electronic devices acting (or being) smarter than I am, but there is one feature I'd like to suggest to any cellphone manufacturers out there: can you put in a little sensor that can tell when someone has tried to set up the Alarm Clock even though her ringer is turned off? Can you have a message pop up saying something like "You might want to turn your ringer on, YOU IDIOT?"
Speaking of oversleeping, I had a dream about a centaur the other night--no doubt because I had just seen Pan's Labyrinth. In this dream I was working in a bookstore/art gallery on a small Mediterranean island, and in the shop I met a centaur whose name was something like Imtau. He didn't look like your standard centaur--he was standing on two legs, and his arms were a little shorter than a human's would be, but they ended in horse's hoofs. He had a very Russian cast to his features. He was resting his front hoofs on one of those high round tables you see people setting their drinks on at art gallery openings. I greeted him and engaged him in conversation. In the course of it I made some innocent remark about cars, and he let me know politely that I might want to be careful about mentioning such things around centaurs--so many horses lost their jobs because of cars, so they're a pretty sore subject.
I then asked him to tell me what other sort of creatures inhabited this island, since I was so unused to seeing centaurs. "We have some insurance agents here," Imtau said. No, I said, I meant the sort of creatures who weren't found anyplace else--unicorns, for example. "Oh, but unicorns can be found anywhere--they're all over the world." Then I woke up.


Anonymous said...

(scratches head) ... "huh?!"

Angela said...

I like to keep you guessing, j.

Laurie O. said...

REM sleep rocks!

Mark D. said...

The island of misfit insurance agents??

Love this blog, and sorry to just get to it now...