Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Jesus Christ Superstar is affecting my life.

As we are now two weeks from Ash Wednesday, this is a good time for some reflection on what Lent has been like so far. In fact I just has someone ask, "Are you tired of Jesus Christ Superstar yet?" No, not quite; in fact, when I couldn't get to sleep last night, I got out the Prague recording and listened to it while I was falling asleep. So yes, in one evening I ended up hearing "Vse Je Tak, Jak Ma Byt" four times.
Is it putting a crimp in my social life? A little; I did beg off hanging out late with friends tonight in order to finish listening to the 1972 Swedish cast recording. (What I enjoyed most about the Swedish contribution: the oh-so-close-to-English song titles: "Allting är allright," "Dömd för alltid." What I enjoyed least: the curious over-reliance on the saxophone. I mean, seriously, it just shows up in the middle of a scene with a part that is only vaguely related to what all the other instruments are doing. The net result is that you're envisioning the Last Supper, and there's Jesus and Judas arguing, but then whoops, in walks a wandering saxophonist. He's oblivious.)
How's Greg doing, since he's listening to all of these recordings too? In a recent email he confessed, "These songs officially will not get out of my head at this point. I think I actually had a dream I met a Galilean."


Vicki said...

Wow, that is a whole lot of Jesus Christ Superstar! Wonder what he thinks of that Movie? Care to write about it "in your spare time" :)
Very interesting! V.W.

Anonymous said...

i without a doubt enjoy your posting style, very charming,
don't quit and also keep posting due to the fact it simply just nicely to follow it.
looking forward to look into far more of your writing, goodbye ;)