Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jesus Christ Surferstar

No, I'm not kidding. There is indeed a 2-CD set, "Inspired by the original soundtrack album," of tributes recorded by surf rock bands (Urban Surf Kings, Susan & the Surftones, The Atlantics). They don't skimp--this isn't a highlights reel, it's the whole show. Ever found yourself thinking, "You know, I love JCS, but what it really needs is to be vaguely reminiscent of the theme song to The Munsters"? Then this compilation is for you. Bonus: The cover image--Jesus riding a wave on a cross-shaped board. (Still not kidding.)
What's odd here (besides, you know, the whole concept) is that some bands elect to perform the songs as instrumentals while some include at least some of the lyrics. So the first words heard are "It seems to me a strange thing mystifying," and there's an Elvis-ish spoken section in "Judas' Death": "Aw, Mama, does he love me too?"

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