Monday, March 1, 2010

Kiwi JCS

...Yes, the 1994 New Zealand cast recording. I don't recognize any names in the cast. Overall impression? They sound so young. Strong voices and some unique elements to the arrangements--I particularly liked the extended a cappella outro in "The Last Supper," when the apostles are well and truly in their cups.
But no, this version doesn't measure up to the Japanese.
Ooh! But Judas goes intriguingly off script! In his big showstopping "Superstar" number (here only followed by the instrumental "John 19:41" because this is a highlights recording and I guess "The Crucifixion" isn't a highlight), when the angelic soul-girl choir is singing
"Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,
Who are you, what have you sacrificed?"
"Jesus Christ Superstar,
Do you think you're what they say you are?"
At the very, very end, when Judas usually just ad-libs on the theme of "I only want to know," there's a musical break, and Judas' last words are:
"I am a sinner who's lost his way
Down on my knees, I am here and praying.
Jesus...I think I know..."

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