Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Remscheid Cast

Lent is officially half over (this past Sunday was Laetare Sunday); it took me half of Lent to find a solution to my not-enough-hours-in-the-day-to-listen-to-Jesus Christ Superstar dilemma. The last couple of nights, as you may have noticed, I skimped by falling asleep to JCS--which makes it kinda hard to blog about JCS. Today I thought, hey, wait a minute. It takes me about a half-hour to drive to work.
I took my computer with me.
It was great, especially today with the Remscheid cast from 2003. I'm guessing this is a German production, but they sung in English (with just a slight tendency to overenunciate giving away the accent), so it was quite singalongable. Wonderful springlike weather, great driving music, and I got up to "Gethsemane" by the time I got home. Gonna try this again tomorrow!
This was a good production, fairly standard. I'm beginning to notice how long a shadow was cast by the early JCSs--the brown album and the movie in particular. Most people seem content to, for instance, simply imitate Carl Anderson's adlibs at key points in "Heaven on their Minds," which is contrary to the whole idea of soul singing. This Judas was like that, whereas the Jesus in this version did actually dare to change the timing of a word or two. Props to him.

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